June 20, 2011

Extreme Couponing!

I am seriously inspired!  I've been wanting to catch this show for weeks and finally, I was able to see a few episodes this past weekend.  People getting thousands of dollars worth of groceries for only a couple of bucks.  Some people actually MADE money with their coupons!  Its so amazing!  It really just goes to show how much a little patience and dedication can do.  

What really inspired me were the people who got tons and tons of products that they would never need all of and donated them to charities, food banks, and many others that are in need.  It was very touching.  Sure, they can seem a little bit obsessed but can you really blame them?  I can't... I commend them!  Right now, they are my heroes!  :D

I started yesterday... with the Sunday newspaper.  There were some nifty coupons in there, but definitely not enough that could save me hundreds of dollars.  If you've got any ideas, tips, or suggestions, please send them my way!

This is going to be so much fun!!  

June 17, 2011

When my horoscope is RIGHT on the DOT!

“You are doing a lot of deep thinking now, but you might decide not to go public with your thoughts. Nevertheless, you may come across as if your emotions aren't very important when you talk about them in a detached manner. Ironically, you may believe that changes are occurring, even if nothing happens. Be courageous and find your voice. Take a risk and express what's really in your heart.”


The other day, I was talking to Sandy and she suggested that I continue to blog some more… like I used to before. My answer? Well, just read my horoscope above! That is exactly what is going on with me and in my mind.
 Its true… I AM a Sagittarius!

June 14, 2011

Last Friday Night

I love Katy Perry! She seems like a fun loving girl… and I truly believe that we can be friends one day! HAHA… and I am obsessed with her beauty! Even when she TRIES to be ugly, she is still gorgeous!

Last Friday Night – Katy Perry

June 13, 2011

Weekend, I LOVE YOU!

I love my weekends and lately, these two days are more precious than ever. Unfortunately, the time just speeds on by and it is wayyyyyy too short for me. I really think that weekends should be three days long. How are you supposed to work hard and play even harder when play time is less than half the time as work time? Hmph!

This past weekend was my ideal kind of weekend with the exception that it was far too short and I still need another day to catch up with the things that I need to in my personal life.

Saturday was spent with my Husband. I woke up pretty early and hit the gym by myself as I left my Husband alone to sleep in (he loves that). I came home in time to have lunch with him. After lunch, we went and treated ourselves to hour long full body massages. We both really needed it. I even fell asleep on the massage chair and caught myself snoring a few times! It was amazing. It hurt, but it hurt in a good way and I can’t wait to do it all over again! Then, we went grocery shopping (I love grocery shopping). We came home and relaxed for a bit before he cooked me a yummy crab dinner. The sauce that he made was SOOOOOO good. I really think that we should put a patent on it because it was THAT tasty! Men that can cook are so sexy… and I am pretty lucky! We rented a movie but after ONE margarita after dinner, I knocked out 10 minutes into the movie. We’re going to have to see it another time. LOL!

Sunday, I woke up to my girlfriend’s text and hit the gym… AGAIN! I’m on a roll, right? Let’s see how long I can keep this up! After an hour there, I came home and got ready for my day after I made a wonton and egg noodle soup for Hubby. Then, it was fun day with the girls! Brought one of them to the eyebrow threading salon I went to the other week and watched her struggle in the chair. LOL… poor girl, but it was a sight to see and the results are gorgeous! We headed up to LA for the Thread Show that I was invited to attend with a guest, but I brought TWO guests! Oops! It’s okay… the more the merrier! It was my first time at one of these shows and it was interesting and quite the experience. Since we were in LA, we decided to do some shopping (of course) instead of hiking… oops! Hey… shopping is definitely a work out… especially when you’re carrying a few bags! Drained, we decided to stop by this ramen place in LA. Daikokuya - With over 2,500 good reviews on Yelp, we couldn’t pass it up. I admit though… I’m not a big fan of ramen so I didn’t really know how to rate it. For a small place though, it was getting a lot of traffic and the people who like ramen think it’s great so it must be, right? A great day with the girls, but the day was too short. We didn’t even get to go to Sephora or Nordstrom like we had planned because it closed early. There’s always next weekend, right? Have a few trips planned as well, so I’m excited! I love girls’ time… especially with the kind of girlfriends that you can talk to about ANYTHING! I love seeing my friends happy… it makes me happy.

Came home to see that the Mavs beat the Heat in the finals. I don’t really care for basketball, but I just know that I don’t like LeBron James and his attitude. He just seems SO rude in all of the games I’ve ever seen him play in. Ugh… glad the Mavs won the championship! I actually got teary eyed! HAHA!

I wish the weekend included Monday so that I can spend all day today cleaning and relaxing on my couch, cuddling a book. Until I can have my three day weekends, I think I am going to have to squeeze that in on my weekdays. Eeeps!

So… anyone want to share their weekends with me?

June 9, 2011

June Gloom

You would think that after living in Southern California for about 22 months now, “gloom” would be out of my vocabulary. Well, its back… in SoCal, my vocabulary, and in my life.

The other day, I was told that I worry and stress way too much. I was told that I have a lot on anxiety and I try to conceal it all. She said that I have not been myself lately. I know that this is true because as she was telling me, I couldn’t fight or deny it. Instead, my eyes started to water because she’s right… she’s absolutely right.

Although I try my best to be my usual bubbly and upbeat self, I guess I cannot hide it as well as I thought I could. Moreover, I cannot believe that someone saw through it and was telling this to my face.

There is more that I wish I can say, but I will hold back on it for now. My poor Husband and friends hear too much about it every day that it’s sort of pointless to remind myself of it here.

What am I going to do about it?

I am going to truly relax… with wine over a massage, followed by a bubble bath.

Weekend, what is taking you so long? I’ve missed you! Days feel like years.

June 6, 2011

Babies! Babies! Babies!

“When are you going to have a baby?”

Ahhh… the question of the year! I think I am asked this question every single day for the past year! Don’t get me wrong… I don’t dislike being asked this. In fact, it makes me feel all warm and giddy inside!

Truth is that we would love to have a baby right now… everyone who knows me know that I am pretty much obsessed with babies and I would love to be a younger mom. In fact, my plan was to have my first child when I am 25, but now I am about two years behind on that plan… yikes!

What is holding us back? Well… we’re just not ready. I know, I know… you can never be ready enough for a baby. Along with the question, I get that response every day too! I understand that, but I mean it in a different way. There are just a few things that I would like to have done and ready before we bring a little baby into our family. You know… like sealing a deal on a house… that is the major thing that is holding us back. I just don’t want to deal with purchasing a home while being pregnant or with a baby. Both times are stressful and I don’t want to combine both. Once we have a house of our own, ask me again and the answer may be different!

On another note, our good friends Mikal and Paline had their baby shower for Baby Lauren this past weekend. I was honored to be part of it… especially in the decorations/games department because that is right up my alley. I am a sucker for little details and I enjoyed putting them together. It was my first time ever making a diaper cake and with the help of Sandy and Lily, I must say that it was a huge success! Thanks to my friend Michelle for making a customized piƱata… this was a big hit… literally! The games were interesting, but I think the people who participated had a lot of fun. One lesson learned is that I should probably have some prizes for the kids because they will surprise you and come up as winners over the adults! LOL! Here are some pictures that Daddy to Be, Mikal took… can you guess what the theme was? ;)

Mikal had set up a photobooth and had the guests take pictures, printed them right away and design a page for Lauren's scrapbook.  I thought this was such a great idea and the outcome was awesome!  I made a special request for this also when it comes to my turn!  Wuahahhah!

June 1, 2011


I will be the first to admit that I have been really bad at keeping my new years’ resolutions. In fact, I never even started it to begin with! 5 months through the year now and starting off the 6th, and I am still nowhere near beginning my new years’ resolutions. Horrible, horrible, horrible! Maybe I should just go with a mid-years’ resolution instead so that I can get a fresh start on it today? Okay… I will do just that! Let’s hope that I keep this mid-year’s resolution… cross your fingers, people!

Speaking of, I can’t believe its June already! This year definitely flew on by and as usual, I wish it would stop or slow down a little for me to catch up with everything. I guess it usually doesn’t work like that, does it? Oh well… I should feel blessed. I do feel blessed, actually.

I think I have much more to say, but this is just an introduction to my return.
