October 9, 2007

bareVitamins Skin Rev-er Upper

I hate this crap!

This morning, I was just patting myself on the back for having great skin. I've been using Bare Minerals and I love it! The makeup itself is light and very natural feeling. The kit that I purchased came with this "bareVitamins Skin Rev-er Upper". It apparently...

-Multi-vitamin supplement rejuvenates and smoothes surface of skin prior to applying bareMinerals SPF 15 Foundation.
-Formulated with botanicals, glycolic and salicylic acids.
-Helps refine fine lines.
-Lightweight, fragrance-free, formulated for all skin types.


I used it briefly a couple of weeks ago, but thought that my skin irritation was caused by my sister's harsh face wash. (Refer to prior post about skin) I didn't use it anymore because it did nothing for me and I was afraid to use anything... not even a face wash. After a few days, it was back to normal and fine. This morning, (after being conceited and appreciating my face/skin), I put the thing on since I had a few extra minutes for the extra step that I neglected. My face started itching since this morning! Its burning and feels very tight... and I just want to rip my face off right now.

I read some reviews on it just now and people have experienced the same thing I am with it! Its horrible! All those acids and unnecessary chemicals on the face... and someone else mentioned that it smells like Elmer's Glue... and it does! Grrrr!

Don't get me wrong... I love Bare Minerals alone... just not this burning crap! Gosh... who wants to do the honors of ripping my face off?

Here's a picture of me this morning when I first got to work... thats a "BEFORE" picture.

Nevermind... I looked scary even when I thought I looked good... haha!

As for the "AFTER" picture, imagine me 40 years older, redder and drier skin, scaly, and 69 more wrinkles all over! Yes... its sad... and its too early for Halloween for me to actually show and scare you with my actual picture.

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