A little late, but as always, I have to post a little something something about my weekend, don't I? Well, it was a great one. It was good times with good friends... true randomness and non stop laughter! Didn't take too many pictures, and the pictures that were taken? Well... most of them are probably unappropriate! ;)
Man... how is it ever possible to get relaxing, fun, and crazy all in the same weekend, all at the same time? Haha... we're amazing!
Oh... and I finally made this... just don't ask HOW it was made! :D
This was our Friday night dinner... that I cooked with Bong Nieng's help! LOL... the curry was a Thai style type curry... yanno... with eggplants and bellpeppers and beef and stuff... haha!
Probably wasn't the best, but you can't say I didn't try! ;)
food was hella bomb, but the company was hella bomber!