October 10, 2009

Back at home!!

I'm back at home!! WAIT... which home? Where is home? Good question!

As I said before, WA will always be my home... but CA is my new home. Its confusing... but I have two homes. Right now, I'm at the WA home.

Decided that my blog shall be updated more often and although it might not be anything too exciting, its nice to have a little outlet. I don't know and don't really care if anyone reads this, so don't be surprised if I'm a little bit too honest for my own good. Let me say this in advance.... oops!

My days have been busy and a little bit crazy. It feels like there are not enough hours in the day. Right now I am up and blogging but really, I should be getting the little sleep that I might be able to squeeze in all weekend.

I just got here a few hours ago. My Sister and Niece picked me up and of course, we had time to squeeze in a few bites. After that, no more junkie food for me! I've been eating really bad lately and I can feel my body feeling more and more gross with every bite. WHY do I do it to myself? I don't do it to myself... the freakin' cheesecakes and cream pies and ice cream cones do it to me. They are the devil... the yummy yummy devil!

I'll be here for a few days... the weekend to be particular. My Husband is in Vegas with the guys. Sometimes I wonder if they just wait/plan/pray for me to go out of town so that they can play with Sam. HAHA... its cool though... I hope they're having a good time. According to Sam's BBM, he misses me already. BS. He's probably loving the craps table more than me. I don't mind... just make the money, honey!

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