October 16, 2009

The Good Life!

Did I ever mention how much I am enjoying the married life? Actually... we have our moments, but overall... I'm loving it!

Thank goodness for recipe books! I found one the other day at Borders for 5 bucks and of course, I have my Borders Rewards membership thingy and got 40% off that so after tax, it was like 3 bucks! SCORE!! Tried a recipe out of there that Sam had circled to show me that he wanted to try it and he kept saying how it was good! I'm so proud of myself! Though it is following someone else's recipe, I'm still proud because I actually did the damn thang!

We were on a hunt to find some seaweed last night. I've been wanting to try to make some sushi! Unfortunately, we were out of luck. Well, we went pretty late and most Asian stores were closed. Better luck next time!

I love Target! So many cool things there and for some reason, I never get bored!

I'm trying this new thing... no eating after 8pm. Will be interesting... hard, yes... but I love challenges! We finally got a scale last night! Wuahahah! Its FUN! Often disappointing, but fun regardless.

Tonight, will be whipping up some things for Sovina's birthday tomorrow. Then, I need to figure out what to wear. Party Bus... never been on one so should be interesting!

Last night, I had a glass of wine and knocked out so good. Woke up feeling great. I thought I was drunk in the morning for a minute!

Our place is a mess and I need to really clean it up here. Procrastination is the devil and being easily distracted doesn't help. Who wants to come help me clean up?

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