January 20, 2010


Okay... I guess I couldn't stay away for as long as I thought I could. Oops!

The rain here is making me depressed. I know that being born and raised in the beautiful state of Washington, I'd be used to it by now, right? Wrong. I'm used to it when I am in Washington, but not when I am in California. This is unexpected and totally not what I had in mind. So much for my jogging at the beach streak that had to end short because of this stupid rain. Get this... a car flipped over from the storm and we were on a tornado watch. Can you believe that? A tornado for crying out loud! I've never experienced a tornado in my life (thank goodness) and I am not Dorothy and I do not plan on chasing one nor would I even like to be in one. Life is too precious and there are still many more things that I would like to do with mine before its over. I know that this is a little dramatic but after all the torture Mother Earth is putting people through (don't punish me, Mother Earth, I'm just sayin'...), its okay to be dramatic because these events are definitely events to cry over.

I know that I shouldn't sit here and cry about a little rain, but I am not just crying over the rain. I am crying over the other things that are going on that have caused millions to suffer. What happened to peace on earth? Did the pageant queens give up on that idea and is it really not going to happen? *sigh*

I should be doing some walking than just talking, but have you looked outside lately? It is too damn scary to do any walking. Therefore, I shall sit here and talk... talk about the things that I love and cherish and vow to myself to never take any of it for granted anymore.

The End. NO wait... lets not it be the end! Ahhh... you know what I mean!


  1. i heardeded about the crazy weather ya'll are having out there...that's madness, i tell ya, madnessssss.

    it'll soon go away and you'll be left with your beautiful CA weather that we're all so jealous of.

    Take care, my dear...ttyl

  2. It is so crazy! I feel like we've lost touch completely and I've missed you. Wait... did you ever get my Christmas card? I hope so! Love you!

  3. IRYC (In response to your comment on my site):

    Dude, you're high. Don't be in "awe" of my site... Just write for you and make sure what you write is quality, because you only want the best for yourself, right? My blog wasn't always this way. Don't let the fancy wordpress template fool you!

    When I first started blogging/writing on a legitimate website, I had 200 hits a day or so--now I'm hovering around 50 or 60 if I'm lucky. But I keep writing for me and if now and then it seems like I'm writing for an audience, it's because I feel passionate about something (like Eco-Friendly stuff and beauty stuff). But yeah, I've worked at it for over 7 yaers now (8 come fall), so I've had time to build it up.

    You have great stuff to write about so just keep writing what you care about and commenting on other people's sites and you will gain a following.

    I love the stuff you write about!


  4. I love that! IRYC! HAHA... gotta use it now!

  5. I know - i feel so distant from you now...and that makes me sad.

    I did get your card. I sent you a blackberry message, but then i read in one of your other post that you left the blackberry world, so you probably didn't get my message. I was actually wondering why you didn't respond :(
