February 11, 2010

Recap: Red & Black Party

Since I decided to be more consistent with my blog, I guess I should somewhat try my best to update you on what I didn't get to blog about. It might take awhile if I was to write every little detail. And come on... most of us are visual lovin' kind of folks who would rather see the story through pictures than through words. So... here we go!

I'll start off with this past weekend. Cool? Cool.

It was my Brother in Law's birthday. Actually, its his birthday today but with Valentines' Day being this weekend and most of his friends would have been busy, he decided to celebrate early. Fine by me... I'm always up for a good time! It was good times, indeed!

He wanted a RED and BLACK party... since I already had a black and white party for mine. It actually turned out great because I've been waiting for an excuse to wear my red heels for awhile! :) We had dinner... some of us did, anyway... and then rolled out to my in law's house for the party. Since I've moved down here, the house had turned into a party house. I don't know what that says... but its been fun! ;)

It was a VERY memorable night. I'm sure everyone had a great time like I did... it was awesome!

The LADIES... bright picture, but at least we all had our eyes open!

The GUYS... okay next!! JK!

The Brothers... youngest to oldest from left to right. My old fart! :p

The other guys...

Our shot tray. I refilled that thing at least 10 times... seriously! LOL... my games are dangerous!

Hijacked Kat's camera when she asked me to take a picture. LOL!

Before the birthday boy's face got smashed into it.

He's like my Brother... we got some silly genes!

If you look closely, you can see me tryin' to sneak in the picture in the very back! LOOK!

1 comment:

  1. Sheesh, you are gorgeous. And tall.

    I wanna grow up to look like you.

    I'm like 5 inches away from being a legal midget. I think.
