For quite some time now, I've been wanting to learn how to cook. I don't think its really that hard to whip up something edible, but I'm sure it would require much concentration, patience, and skills to whip up something GOOD. I am not so ambitious yet... I'll just aim for something edible.
I've been trying to cook for the past few weeks now, and I must say that I am quite proud of myself! I always saw myself as the non domestic type and definitely never saw myself as a chef or even a cook since I'm so darn lazy and I'm already good being at the other end of the stick... as the eater! :D
Anyhow... thank you KCers in the Cooking Club who brought their ideas and recipes to the forum that intrigued and motivated me. Also thanks to the KCers who have given me ideas and tips throughout this whole take on my new interest... haha! Its FUN!
I've been wanting to cook Khmer food for my parents to enjoy, but that hasn't been tackled yet. Its safe to say, though... that my niece and nephews... and even siblings have enjoyed my cooking! What have I made? LOL... they're nothing extravagant... but they sure are edible and hasn't gotten anyone sick yet, so I'm quite proud! :D
Besides the typical rice and congee (haha), I've managed to make pan fried fish, bread crusted salmon, sweet and sour pineapple pork, green beans and beef stir fry, roasted chicken, fried chicken, barbecued ribs, spicy honey ribs, beef and three colored bell peppers stir fry, sauteed garlic and mushroom spaghetti, cheeseburgers (yep... made my own patties out of ground beef) with grilled onions, deep fried gizzards! I probably made a few more things that I don't remember... haha! My parents are kind of surprised that I've been trying to cook since I've never seemed interested before, but I think that they like the idea of me knowing what's what in the kitchen. My mom doesn't think I'm in the way anymore... thank goodness! My nephew has special requests now... he loves my spicy honey ribs! I'm making that tomorrow night for the girls at Ladies' Night In! :D
So today I took some pork fillets out of the freezer to thaw and still stuck on what to cook tonight. Any suggestions? You got two hours to help me... help? I'm very tempted to try to cook some homemade pizza tonight though... chicken and roasted garlic pizza! Wish me luck?